Saturday, December 18, 2010

Colds, Croup, Ear Infections, Sinus Infections... Oh My

So, I'm blogging real fast. I should be packing right now, need to be loading a trailer in 3 days and have absolutely nothing done. Since about middle of Nov. at least one member in our family has been ill in one way or another. We keep cycling through who is sick. It's like my kids have made a game out of it and say "tag you're it" to one of their siblings, or me. Emery had the croup, Joelle had a double ear infection, Cam threw up, all of the kids have had colds on again off again(I've lost count of how many each has had), I have been battling a horrible sinus infection for over a week now on one side of my head, and now Joelle has a "horrendous" (doctor's words) ear infection in her right ear again.

So, I have been on guard for Joelle's ear to burst at any moment, the doctor said it is bulging so bad to be prepared for such and that it will ooze and help heal faster. The doctor was shocked at how well behaved Joelle was for having such a bad ear infection. I haven't been sleeping at all for like a week because of my own illness and sitting in the rocking chair all night with the baby, poor thing can't sleep. Right now, Cam and Emery are the only ones not sick.

I went to the doctor for myself and they are treating it as a virus unless it isn't better in another week and a half, I will be in TX by then, hopefully. So, I am nasal irrigating (so much fun), steroid nasal spraying, taking mucinex, and ibuprofen for the pain. I've missed an entire week of exercise, but managed to lose about 1-2 pounds(I fluctuate) probably because I haven't felt like eating anything.

I need to take Joelle in and treat her ear infection with shots if this antibiotic isn't working by Tues. or Wed. They put her on a stronger antibiotic, but because she had diahrea for a week following her last round of antibiotics, he tried to put her on the one that was slightly less diahrea inducing, which I was told not to be alarmed will also turn her poop red (the doctor said it is festive). So, everyone cross your fingers that this antibiotic works and that the rest of us can please stay healthy, throw a few prayers our way please. Pray that I don't have a nervous break down and that Chase doesn't have to have me committed. So, sorry this isn't a happy, fluffy, Christmas letter for you all. Our Christmas letter will have to be delayed, hopefully, there will be some happier things to report. Merry Christmas everyone, and may the seasonal bugs pass you by!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Half Way There, Almost

I've lost 3 more pounds making a total of 25 1/2 down and 26 1/2 more to go. I'm not quite halfway to my goal. Anyway, hopefully I'll find some time to actually blog about something else other than my weightloss update soon.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

After Thanksgiving Weight Loss Update

So, I gained a little less than half a pound according to the scale when I got back from Thanksgiving. I was happy, it could have been much worse. After this week I lost that extra little bit plus a little more for a total of 1 1/2 more pounds gone. The grand total of pounds lost since Sept. are 22 1/2 pounds lost with 29 1/2 more to go. Slowly, but surely! Christmas time will probably be my most challenging yet. With my dad as Bishop everyone and their dog brings treats by the house. My trick is to not deny myself completely, so I don't end up binging, but to decide what I really want to eat and then treat myself to a moderate portion of that. Nothing makes me more angry than indulging in something that didn't taste very good, was dissapointing, or that I could have eaten something much better. So, I'm trying to be more picky and careful about what I eat, especially when it comes to the plethora of treat options I will have before me.

Monday, November 22, 2010

2 1/2 more pounds lost!

Here's this week's update. I guess I will keep posting them unless I had a really bad week. I'm a half pound away from my goal for this month. If I don't ruin it over Thanksgiving, I think I will have it made. So, that makes a total of 21 1/2 pounds lost since Sept. with 30 1/2 pounds to go!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy!!!

I just got a phone call from Chase letting me know that we got the house we had applied to rent. We were unsure because they told our agent that we probably didn't meet the income requirements, even though Chase will be making his full pay after 2 months and we have no debt. Chase will be moving in Dec. 1st and we get to finally join him again at Christmas. We are so excited! While I was on the phone I told the kids and they literally screamed with excitement and tackled me with hugs until I almost fell over. It's been crazy and unbelievable how no one wanted to lend to us because of Chase's work history and income, then it looked like it would be difficult for us to rent as well. We did eventually find someone willing to lend to us when Chase graduated, but even then it was a low amount not high enough to find us a big enough home for our big family long term. We decided it has been hard enough being apart for this long, so we thought the best thing would be to rent and get out there sooner.

I would like to send a shout out to everyone who has helped us these last 2 years... my parents, Chase's parents, Chase's grandparents, anyone who has given to us of their time, services, monetary help, etc. We are especially eternally grateful to my parents for putting up with us for so very long and allowing us to live with them. Also, without my parents so kindly subsidizing some of our rent for 2 months and a letter stating they would do so, we wouldn't be able to get into this house. So, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU everybody!!! We are so thrilled to finally be able to be together again!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Emery Misses Her Dad

Emery has been struggling lately with some emotional and behavior issues, which I believe have stemmed from our last 2 turbulant yrs, but most recently from the absence of her dad. It got noticeably worse when I left to visit with Chase for a week back in Oct. as well as for some other children.

Emery has been really sick the last couple of days with croup and a possible ear infection. She's been more clingy than normal, but has appeared to be happier the last 2 days and a little bit more well behaved. Today while I was trying to eat lunch and read my scriptures while the baby was napping, Emery decided that she needed to climb all over me and sit in my lap. So, I finally gave in and let her sit on my lap while I tried to read. After a few minutes of me trying to read and asking her if she wanted me to read out loud, I decided it wasn't working. I figured that maybe this was one of those moments where family obligations need to come before church/spiritual obligations. So, I closed my scriptures and decided to talk with Emery.

The following conversation occurred...

Emery: "Mom, a long time ago, you left, and I was sad." (This was the first time she had talked to me about how she felt.)

Me: "I'm sorry, but I came back."

Emery: "It was a long time. I was happy when you came back." (Then she proceeded to make up some stories about her siblings while I was gone, at least I'm pretty sure they're made up. Something about Cam saying he was going to be bad and then he gave Addie and Bailey presents but not her.)

Emery: "I want my dad!"

Me: "I know sweet heart. We get to see him real soon."

Emery: "I want my dad now! I miss my dad, I want my dad, I want my dad, I want my dad!" (I lost count of how many times she said that. She couldn't be consoled or distracted. It started to break my heart.)

Me: "Emery, next week we get to take a trip to see Daddy. It's only 5 more days!"

Emery: "I want to go on a trip! I'm getting my shoes."

Me: "Emery, we're not going today it's not for 5 more days."

Emery: "I'm getting my shoes. Mom, go get your shoes!"

Well, a couple of more times trying to explain to a 3 yr old why she can't go see her father and then we eventually were able to distract her by playing a game of Uno Stacko Jenga, well I tried to play the real way, but we ended up building different things instead.

But before we played the game Emery told me the following story...

"There was a woof (wolf) and there was a baby woof. The mommy woof left and made the baby woof sad. The mommy woof came back and the baby woof was happy. The daddy woof was gone and the baby woof was sad. Then the daddy woof came back and the baby woof was happy."

I've been trying to give Emery the positive attention that she's been needing and trying to cope with her behavior issues in the right way, which can be difficult. I've been trying to reinforce her positive behavior while trying to deter her negative behavior and channel it in different direction. Today, I saw a glimpse of the old, happy, silly, and sweet, but still slightly sassy Emery that I have missed. It has been hard having Chase gone, but I think it will make us stronger and bring us closer together as we have learned to truly appreciate eachother as individuals and as a family. I have deffinately seen how not having one parent or the other in the home can have a very real and devastating effect on children. I am so thankful for a loving and righteous husband and father who is only going to be temporarily absent. We are very blessed to have Chase and we are not the same without him. Hopefully, we will be together soon. We are so very excited to see him for Thanksgiving, hopefully with everyone healthy and well again. We're counting down the days!

Monday, November 15, 2010

1 1/2 Down!!!

So, 1 1/2 more pounds gone from last week. Making 19 down and 33 more to go. I think I can, I think I can. Now I just need to get my Zumba instructor to stop playing Grease Lightening and Jive and I will be a happy little camper :)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Community unites to celebrate at religious festival |

This is the link to the article I was interviewed for. See how famous I am, he he :) Anyway, it has better pictures of the festival and explains it a little better if you're interested. Also, I guess we just missed the cow, it came after the dancing and Joelle was getting fussy so we had to go out. We were over by the pond waiting for the lighting ceremony when the cow was brought out, darn it.

Community unites to celebrate at religious festival

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Diwali Festival

On Saturday, Nov. 6th, I decided to take the kids at the last minute to an Indian celebration being held at the Hare Krishna temple called the Diwali Festival (Festival of Lights). Diwali is a combination of words "deepa", meaning lamps, and "wali", meaning row. Homes in India are decorated with rows of lamps in the windows and places of worship to bring in the best of the New Year. This is what I read that morning in the newspaper about the festival. Part of the Diwali feast is in remembrance of Krishna lifting a mountain and using it as an umbrella to protect his people from devastating rainfall. Part of the ceremony was honoring a live cow, which symbolize abundance and the sanctity of life. We never saw that part of the celebration, not sure if we missed it.

We were able to participate in one of the rituals which I am not very familiar with, and they didn't explain it to us and I didn't read about it in the paper. They had this wooden cart with a wheel attached that steered it and a rope on the other end for people to pull. It was decorated with flowers. We followed the cart around with others in the crowd and clapped along to the singing and music. Every once in a while we would stop and they would sing and dance. Then we would follow it around again, around and around the temple. We did this for a while before venturing off to explore other activities and the temple grounds. We enjoyed traditional Indian dancing and music also.

At the end of the festival we gathered around a gated pond with a statue, that I believe is of Krishna(not sure though), for the lighting ceremony. They lit tiny lamps of cotton balls placed on leaves and then placed them in the pond and made a wish. The kids really wanted to do this, but it was just too crowded and I didn't feel like ushering 5 kids in the small confined space and most likely have one of them end up in the water, so we just watched. Then we watched the fireworks which were pretty cool. They were set off just on the opposite side of the pond directly across from us, so they were very close, loud, and smoky.

We had a really fun time and I enjoyed having the kids participate in another culture and religion. It was exciting to have something like this so close in our own backyard. I think it's important for them to understand and experience different people, cultures, and religions. We also got interviewd by a BYU reporter, so we may be in an article there. She probably was wondering who this crazy lady with 5 kids is and what she was doing there. We did get a lot of stares and many offers to help us, especially as I'm trying to carry the baby and stroller up the temple's flight of stairs and then traversing down the steep hill back to the parking lot in the dark. It was a lot of fun and it was a great experience for our family. I hope my kids learn to appreciate other people for who they are, despite our differences.

On the stairs at the front of the Hare Krishna Temple in Salem, UT.

Part of the temple.

Side view of the temple. It was lit up really pretty, but as it got darker my camera started to rebel.

This is Pedro. He could say "Bye, Bye" and something else in their religion. Some boys from the Hare Krishna religion came over and were telling us about the parrot and the llamas, they were very nice. There was also a smaller gray parrot in a cage next to Pedro, but the poor thing was largely ignored, or maybe lucky for him Pedro got all the attention.

Pedro showing us is pretty blue feathers. He kind of made me want to get another bird...almost, but then I remembered our psychotic pet bird "Crispy".

Ok, so it was dusk again, so you get some pictures of the llamas looking evil eyed and some spots as well. I really need a new camera.

The kids petting the llamas.

Addie petting the llamas. They kind of lost interest once they realized we didn't have food and the people with the carrots next to us left.

The boys that talked to us though had insisted that the llamas don't spit, unless they are scared or angry or something like that. We were fortunate not to have any spitting. They were very friendly and the kids were able to get really close and pet them.

Kids looking into the pond with the "Krishna" statue behind them. There were these huge fish in the pond, not sure what kind, they were orange and white and humongous. I couldn't get a very good picture of the fish because of the lighting and my stinky camera.

Elephant statue at the foot of the stairs of the temple.

The decorated, wooden cart that was driven around the temple that we followed behind.

Following the temple leader (I think), as he drove the cart around the temple.

The cart driver, maybe temple leader, not sure.

Bailey, and Cam following behind the cart.

Emery clapping along as we followed the cart.

Addie clapping along.

Kids up at the top of the temple.

Top of the temple.

Kids overlooking the balcony at the top of the temple. Addie dancing to the music being played. Again, everyone looking evil-eyed, my red eye editing couldn't even save this picture and a few others.

Inside the temple on the top floor. This is a picture I took from outside, since it was so crowded we could not get inside.

Another picture looking in from outside.

16 yr old dancer, she was very good, and her costume was exquisite.

Performers in traditional dress.

Lighting ceremony.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Weight Loss Update

So, I went to Zumba this morning which totally kicked my trash, but was awesome! I weighed myself when I got back. I am trying to weigh myself only once a week, and weighing myself first thing Monday morning can be daunting, especially since I tend to eat worse over the weekend. I was pleasantly surprised though. I am down 4 1/2 more pounds! Which means I have lost a total of 17 1/2 pounds since September-yippee!!! So, only 34 1/2 more pounds to go-yikes! I proudly survived Halloween, so now I just need to conquer Thanksgiving and Christmas :) .

Sunday, November 7, 2010

I Don't Like Sundays Anymore

So, yeah I'm home an hour early from church. First of all 9:00 am church for a mom by herself with 5 kids just isn't fair, even if there was a time change. Every Sunday is spent dragging the kids out of bed, begging them to hurry and get ready, and then get the older kids to help with the little kids too, especially if we're running late. Usually, my older kids are very good about doing this. Today's dragging was probably my fault for taking the kids to the Hare Krishna Diwali Festival last night, so we didn't get to bed until late.

My oldest woke up saying she wasn't feeling well. I had to help Cam give a talk and didn't feel like leaving her home alone, so I said just get ready and stick it out until he's done with his talk. She was a good sport for the most part, but I think my kids are starting to take advantage of the "being sick" thing. I don't think she was that bad. For example, if it had been a school day and they were going on a field trip or doing something cool, I'm sure she would have been fine.

We hurry to the church and sit down in the back and immediately the 3 yr old starts crying and throwing a tantrum about something stupid. I think today, it was because she didn't have a hymn book. So, I pass the baby to the oldest and drag her out into the kitchen where I try to remain calm and get her to calm down. She finally says sorry and agrees to go back in. Not within 10 seconds of having sat down, she's at it again I don't know what about this time. The baby was getting fussy as well. So, I grab the baby and drag the 3 yr old out again. This time into the Relief Society room which is further away for noise control. I try to get her to calm down again, this time she pulls the "sick"card. Apparently, she is sick now too. I end up dragging her out to the foyer so that we can at least have the sacrament.

Then my 2nd oldest suddenly appears. Apparently, she couldn't wait to get a tissue. So, now she's sitting with the 3 yr old and we wait for the sacrament. 3 yr old decides to cheer up and say sorry again and we go back inside. 2nd oldest decides to be a booger and bug the 3 yr old and try to play with the finger puppets I had given her to entertain her, which of course causes noise and disruption as the 3 yr old is very loud. She also keeps getting up and walking around. Other kids not so bad, but apparently, oldest is feeling well enough to start a noisy game with her brother because she was bored. Meanwhile, baby is fussy. I know she is tired, but refuses to go to sleep, take a binky, or calm down. So, leaving instructions for oldest to watch others, not to get up and follow me, which they love to do if I have to leave with the younger 2. I'm out int the hall trying to calm down the baby, when sure enough the oldest comes out. I need to throw away my gum, she says. Really? How old are you? Use your head? That couldn't have waited? You could have put it in your wrapper. There was a trash can close to the door, too! So, because she came out, then the others follow. 2nd oldest says, I wanted to know where Bailey went. 3 yr old is now rolling around on the floor in her dress with the baby. I swiftly and angrily send the oldest 2 back inside with a stern warning and reminder to behave. Of course, all the while they do this it is very loud, especially the door clicking open and shut every time. Amazingly, my son who has been the recent behavior problem as of late was the best behaved. I think this might have something to do with getting his dart gun back that was confiscated yesterday. A dart gun that by the way I did not approve of that he picked up from a "free sale" from a neighbor trying to get rid of their stuff. Next thing I know, we have a ton of more junk. Anyway, except for the loud comments he likes to occasionally make, and the game he was playing with older sister, he was pretty good.

Next to happen is the oldest coming out AGAIN, this time because she was looking for the 3 yr old who she didn't notice follow her out the first time. By now I have had it and am angry and embarrassed so I tell them to get back in there and grab their stuff and get out. I round them up and head for the Relief Society room again, which also has the sacrament meeting piped into there for listening. So, I tried to keep them sitting there and behaved, but of course they had to play musical chairs and be disruptive in there. There were a few other people in there because there was a baby blessing and it was crowded in the chapel. Finally, sacrament meeting is over and I tell the kids to get to class. More whining of course by all. Help son with talk, he does well. I head to Sunday School and figure we can wait out the hour before I see how the oldest is doing and if she is still too sick and needs to go home.

Baby is ok for the most part, a little fussy, but ok. Making noise, but not too much, and it was happy noise. Then she gets a little fussy off and on, but I distract her and keep her happy. Then I encounter people who feel like they have to touch my baby's hands and face. Really? Please, keep your germs to yourself! Baby's stick their hands in their mouths, and germs spread even if you're just squishing their cheeks! I do NOT need sick kids right now, PLEASE! I am at my limit, when the baby starts to get louder. I'm about ready to scream and cry myself. I gather up baby and stuff and we're done. I grab the kids from their classes and we go home. I send all the kids to quiet time in their rooms. They are to remain there until church is out at it's normal time. Baby went to sleep, but now she is waking up again, want to guess why? If your answer was the 3 yr old you would be correct.

Sunday is spent either getting ready for church FOREVER, wrestling the kids, trying to get them to behave, refereeing the naughty kids, and trying to keep them entertained for the rest of the Sunday while trying to keep the sabbath day holy. I'm tired, I'm drained, I've had it! Today I just wonder if it's even worth it any more. My husband is in Texas and I'm tired of doing this. Why don't I give up? Well, that's a good question, today I kind of did. If the oldest hadn't been sick I probably would have stuck it out, but here we are. Sunday is not restful, or calming, or nourishing or anything like that for me anymore. Sometimes, I actually get to hear something, but then there are days like today. We've actually been coping alright for the most part. There have even been a few Sundays where the kids were pretty good. Today, just came to a head I guess. Well, I will go through this crazy week like all the rest and hope we don't all end up sick. Then, we will go through it all again next Sunday and hope for a better day. Chase, I sure hope you had a good Sunday at least, to make up for our sucky one I have been having. Love you and miss you! Wish you were here to help me cope with the chaos, of course if you were here there would be less chaos, or maybe not. I guess it will always be crazy no matter what.

Quick update. Kids came down when church was over (their alloted time for staying in quiet time)and gave me cards that they had made to tell me they are sorry with their Halloween candy stapled to it. I'm still a little angry, but I love my 5 booger heads. I just can't stay mad at them, not when snickers bars and m&m's are on the line, just kidding. They are generally very good and sweet kids, but I'm just going crazy right now. I guess for now though, I won't be selling any of the kids to the gypsies or the circus.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween!!!

Joelle trying on the wigs. This was supposed to be down with another similar pic, but didn't work, so it's at the top now for your viewing enjoyment.

Fox Fam Halloween style :)
Fox Kiddies already for trick or treating!
Addie and Emery trick or treating at the 'trunk or treat' at the town homes. It was yucky, rainy weather, we didn't stay long.
My mom handing out candy at the trunk or treat, or rather stand or treat, whatever you want to call it.
Bailey already eating her candy.
Cam and Emery getting candy from Grandma at the trunk or treat.
Trick or treating in the culdesac in the rain. They went around the culdesac once and then my dad offered to take them out again later around the ward. As soon as they walked through the door, this huge storm hit. Everything was dark and pouring, and slammed with hail. I was thankful they made it just in the nick of time. Bailey was bummed though because this was the first year I was going to let her go off on her own for a bit with a friend, but the weather was too bad. I was proud of her however, of being more concerned for her friend's safety than missing out on more treats.
Beebe cousins...Noah, Jaron, and baby Ian.
The Hulk
My little Tootsie Roll :)

I was a Rennaisance Queen for Halloween, but I dressed as a pirate for my Zumba class. The pirate pictures were not even a little bit flattering, so you will not be viewing any of those.
My coffin monkey bread.
Spaghetti Squash "Brains".
Ghoul Punch
Devil Dip
Just Pumpkin Bars
Mummy Dogs
Our Spooky Feast
Cousin Baby Ian
Cousin Jaron, Aunt Rachel, Baby Ian, and Cousin Noah.
Cute Cousins
First we try the wigs on the baby.

Then we try the wigs on Grandpa.

Carving pumpkins.

Cam said the best part was scraping out all the seeds and goo.
Pumpkin Masterpieces!
Setting out the pumpkins on the porch.
Bailey and her barfy pumpkin.
Bailey's barfy pumpkin. I told her it looked too cute to be spewing vomit.
Cam's "mean" pumpkin. He decorated all 4 sides and chose the "mean" pumpkin face to carve.
Addie's happy, crazy mouth pumpkin.
Emery's teeny tiny pumpkin.
We won a free Halloween craft kit from Family Fun. So this is what we made...