Tuesday, December 7, 2010

After Thanksgiving Weight Loss Update

So, I gained a little less than half a pound according to the scale when I got back from Thanksgiving. I was happy, it could have been much worse. After this week I lost that extra little bit plus a little more for a total of 1 1/2 more pounds gone. The grand total of pounds lost since Sept. are 22 1/2 pounds lost with 29 1/2 more to go. Slowly, but surely! Christmas time will probably be my most challenging yet. With my dad as Bishop everyone and their dog brings treats by the house. My trick is to not deny myself completely, so I don't end up binging, but to decide what I really want to eat and then treat myself to a moderate portion of that. Nothing makes me more angry than indulging in something that didn't taste very good, was dissapointing, or that I could have eaten something much better. So, I'm trying to be more picky and careful about what I eat, especially when it comes to the plethora of treat options I will have before me.

1 comment:

  1. You are the bomb, Jenn! I need to do better. You are an inspiration. :)
