Friday, May 29, 2009

School's Out!

Today was officially the last day of school for the girls! They are happy, but sad, because they won't be going back next year and probably won't be seeing their friends again. I'm just happy I don't have to drive to Lehi anymore.

The last couple of days the girls have had field trips, parties, and a dance festival. The dance festival was yesterday and I took Cam, Emery, and my mom to go watch them. We got there early since I had to drop the girls off and wasn't going to drive back home and come back again. So, we stayed and set up some chairs which were on the side in the second row. They were pretty good seats I thought. I went off to help Vangie (choir pianist/band conductor) sell choir CDs. When the dance festival finally started I realized we might have a problem seeing the girls. Sure enough, when their classes came out to perform they both ended up being on the opposite side of the field facing the other way. I ended up being close to a bunch of friends' kids that were in our old ward and got good pictures of them. Oh, well. It was really funny though, because it was almost like people camping out over night for a concert or parade. I got there an hour before it started and there were already chairs and people waiting.

The dances were fun though and the girls had a blast. Addie danced to the kung foo song from Kung Foo Panda. Bailey danced to the Beach Boys, "Surfin' USA". Afterwards we went to the dentist-yipeee! Actually, my kids really enjoy going to the dentist and doctor. They're some of the only kids I know that are like this. Our dentist and pediatrician are excellent and my kids love them. It's Dr. Jensen at Timp Pediatric Dentistry in A.F. and Dr. Wilcox at UT Valley Pediatrics in A.F. by the hospital. They are both amazing! Then we went to Costco for lunch...mmmmm Costco pizza! It was a fun filled day.

Now, we have all summer to read and have fun hitting the playgrounds and anything else that's free. Luckily for us we still have our Legacy family pass, so we can swim for free. It's just a little out of the way... back in Lehi : ). I hope to add pics of the kids and their friends at the dance festival later.

Hope everyone has a terrific summer!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Crazy Hair Day

Well, I'm probably going to have a few clusters of posts here and there as I catch up to everything. The girls had fun last week at school. It was their school's spirit week. Each day was something fun to do.

-Wear your clothes inside out and backwards
-Crazy hair and sock day
-Dress as your favorite character from a book
-Wear yellow and green (school colors)
-Hat Day
Anyway, so we got up early and I did the girls' hair all crazy. I love how they never let me do their hair when it's a normal day, but they'll let me spend all the time I need to make it look crazy.

Bailey's Awards!

Bailey received three awards today! Lehi Elementary held their awards assembly today and Bailey was the proud recipient of 3 awards. She received 1 of 2 medals from her class for outstanding student, a certificate for placing in the top 10% nationally on the Iowa tests from the UT Board of Eduaction, and finally a certificate for her great writing. I'm a little peeved though that we didn't find out about it until we picked her up from school. The school was supposed to notify the parents if their child was receiving an award. Oh, well. We're really proud of Bailey! She is such a hard worker and a smart little cookie.

Are There Bathrooms in Heaven?

I had an interesting conversation with Cameron tonight. He was laying in bed while I rocked Emery who is not feeling well. He started out by saying, "Mom, I'll miss you when I die". Then he started to tear up. I don't know what he's been thinking about or talking about in primary lately, but apparently he's concerned about some stuff, because we've had a similar conversation a little while ago along the same topic. He said he didn't want to die and I assured him that it wasn't anything to be afraid of and that he would be with Heavenly Father and Jesus again and all the people that love him. He perked up after that. I told him we would all be together in heaven.

The funny parts of our conversation came after that. He had some very valid concerns which I will share with you.

Cam: "Are there bathrooms in Heaven?" "I don't know where the bathrooms are!" (He says this with his arms outstretched in great distress.)
"Are there clothes in Heaven?" "What kind are they?"
"So do we just walk into our houses?" "How do we walk in Heaven?"
"So we just go up into space?"
"Do we have bones?" "Do we have skin?"

His last worry was the following. "When is Jesus coming?" "He's been up there for hours, and we've been waiting forever!"

Oh, my little 4 year old, soon to be 5. He is such a deep thinker! You can almost see the wheels turning. He always keeps me on my toes. He is my ball of energy, but also my sweet little guy and he's growing up too fast. I don't think I'm ready for him to be in Kindergarten so soon, but I wasn't ready with my others either.

Also, we spent the day watching my nephews. While the babies napped Cameron and his cousin Jaron decided to be doctors and patch me up from a "horrific accident". Cam explained that I had been in a car accident and was the only survivor. The other guy's car went up in a ball of flames. I said, "That is really sad". He told me not to worry though because we would see him when Jesus came again. This seems to be a predominant theme with him lately.

On a lighter note I asked about my "doctors' " credentials as I was a little concerned about their age and qualifications. Cam reassured me that of course they were both adults and were very good doctors. He told me that Jaron was 10 and that he was 20. So, I guess I was not supposed to worry, because I was in good hands.

Well, here's to hoping that there are bathrooms in heaven, or that there won't be any long lines to the women's stalls at least. : )

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Commenting Problems

My mother-in-law notified me today that people might be having trouble commenting on my blog. So, if you're one of those people here's what you have to do until I can figure out what's wrong. I guess when you try to leave a comment an error message pops up and says try again, I guess you just have to enter it again or hit "publish comment" again or whatever and it will go through. I had Chase put my comments on moderation so that I can approve who is commenting. Our family has had problems in the past with weirdos popping in and leaving unwanted comments on our board. So, sorry, I'm new at this, but hope to have it fixed soon.

Monday, May 25, 2009

I Made a Little Girl Cry Yesterday

So, yesterday was our first day teaching our primary class. Our newly assigned calling is to teach the 5 and 6 year olds. I had to do it alone since Chase was still sick and also Emery still sick (see previous post). Anyway, I went in to sit with my class and was completely shocked by what was taking place. The primary was in complete chaos as the poor primary chorister was trying to maintain reverence (which was nonexistent). It was completely unorganized and undisciplined as the primary presidency seemed to go in and out (mostly out). Also very few of the other teachers were attempting to reign in any of the kids. As the teacher in front of me was missing I ended up trying to control my class as well as that one. Boys were putting kids in head locks and kids were punching, hitting, and kicking. Kids were getting out of their seats running around going off to the bathroom (playing in the bathroom), laughing and shouting. It was just a complete shock, especially coming from the primary we had just left in Lehi, which we miss very much. To all those in the Lehi 18th Ward Primary, you are angels and are sorely missed!

Well, so when the other teacher finally came I had 4 of my kids to deal with. Two were angels and two were, well at the other end of the spectrum. I sat between them only to have the one girl tell me more than once, "You're not the boss of me!", and then take off to do who knows what. Her mother was in the primary presidency and didn't seem to care whether she came or went. Well, since she took off the other little "angel" decided she had to get a drink. I told her she could wait. Well, then she needed to go to the bathroom. I said she could wait. "But I need to go really, really bad!". I said, "You can wait.". Well, after the song was over, I told her she could go, but to be reverent and be quick. 10 min. goes by and both girls are M.I.A. So, I go out in the hallway and tell the primary president (who is chatting it up while the primary is meltdown) that I have 2 missing girls who never came back from the bathroom and asked where the bathroom was. So, I follow her to the bathroom and low and behold there is a party going on in there with giggling girls in the stalls. That didn't surprise me what did surprise me was the other member of the primary presidency in there supervising the whole thing. I told her that 2 of the girls I was looking for and that they hadn't come back. She's like, "Oh, they're almost done." So, what can I do? I go back to the rest of my class. 10 more min. later they finally return. I have to seperate them again while we try to learn the song the poor chorister is trying to teach us over the dull roar of wild kids.

We finally get dismissed for class and end up in our class room. I introduce myself and we talk a little and begin the lesson. Well, this lesson was one of the shortest I have ever given and was a little worried about having too much time left. I had no reason to fear, because it took every ounce of effort just to get through anything with my 2 little "angels". They were unbelievable, and I have seen a lot of hard kids in my time. They would not shut up and I actually wondered if someone had slipped them a Red Bull before primary. They could not sit still for anything and could not stop touching eachother. I seperated them, stopped the lesson sitting in silence waiting for them to calm down, took away the privilege to play a game(worked for one girl), threatened to call in their parents next time (they looked worried... briefly).

One girl kept sticking her gum to different parts of her body. I finally went over, held my hand out in front of her and told her to spit it out. She said no and clamped her mouth shut. I told her to spit it out or her mother would be notified that she would not be allowed to have gum in my class (this is the girl whose mom is in the primary presidency). She finally said she wanted to spit it out herself and pretended to throw it away, until I made her do it for real.

The other girl decided she needed a drink again. I proceeded to tell her that she would not be getting a drink because she lost that privilege when they went to the bathroom and were fooling around and took too long. She immediately burst into tears and put her coat on her head and bawled for 10 min. I ignored her and went on with the lesson. The other girl looked at her and then turned to me and said, "You made Charity sad!". I told her that in fact I did not make Charity sad, but that Charity had chosen to be sad and that sometimes the choices you make have consequences. Miraculously, the second girl seemed to agree and actually was a little better for oh, maybe 2 min.

Well, we ended up having to go to the chapel for closing exercises which we were late for because I didn't have a watch or a clock and they didn't knock on the door because I was told they weren't good at doing that. Our class ended up being in charge of the talk, prayers, scriptures, and theme, which I was also unaware of. So, we marched up to the stand, sitting next to one of the bishopbric. I thought, for sure they'll behave now, but no! Not even with the bishopbric telling them to knock it off and the other's mother sitting right there. I finally picked up the one girl and put her on my lap, she finally shut up. Apparently, her mother was also a primary teacher and was sitting down with the other kids. I have never been so thankful for my own kids and for how good they really are! I am also thankful for our old primary, we loved it there and had such good experiences. I hope that the next time we teach goes better, that is if they haven't released me for making the kids cry or sit on my lap. I hopefully will also have Chase there to tag team with me and thump a few heads.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

I Finally Made a Blog!

So, I decided to start a blog because Chase wouldn't post what I wanted him to all the time. I'm also lousy at keeping a journal, so I decided this would be my best bet at keeping a record for our family and doing virtual scrapbooking, since I've been lousy in that area as well. Cam's baby book isn't finished, poor Emery doesn't have a baby book yet, and I haven't done anything on our family in ages. I can't promise anyone anything exciting, but hopefully you can enjoy our crazy adventures with us, or at least keep up with what we're doing.
I will start by saying today Chase and I have been asked to give talks in church. We are not excited about this at all. We figure it is punishment by my dad(who is the bishop) for moving into his basement. We moved into my parents' house middle of April after selling our house to Polygamists. We had to sell our house after Chase got laid off back in Jan. He is still currently looking for work. We were called to be primary teachers, again, which is fine, we like primary. I have to give a lesson today as well as a talk, just peachy. Chase is sick and so is Emery, so as soon as Chase is done with his talk, he will go home to relieve my sister Monica of watching Emery.
School is almost out for the kids-yippeee!! Chase and I have been taking turns driving them up to Lehi, since we moved. It has not been fun, especially with construction and traffic. They have 4 more days left, so we are very excited. It was worth letting the kids finish out the school year with their friends though.
Well, there's the start of my blog, which will hopefully get infinitely better and more exciting over time. I will try to post pictures later. Have a great Sunday!