Saturday, December 18, 2010

Colds, Croup, Ear Infections, Sinus Infections... Oh My

So, I'm blogging real fast. I should be packing right now, need to be loading a trailer in 3 days and have absolutely nothing done. Since about middle of Nov. at least one member in our family has been ill in one way or another. We keep cycling through who is sick. It's like my kids have made a game out of it and say "tag you're it" to one of their siblings, or me. Emery had the croup, Joelle had a double ear infection, Cam threw up, all of the kids have had colds on again off again(I've lost count of how many each has had), I have been battling a horrible sinus infection for over a week now on one side of my head, and now Joelle has a "horrendous" (doctor's words) ear infection in her right ear again.

So, I have been on guard for Joelle's ear to burst at any moment, the doctor said it is bulging so bad to be prepared for such and that it will ooze and help heal faster. The doctor was shocked at how well behaved Joelle was for having such a bad ear infection. I haven't been sleeping at all for like a week because of my own illness and sitting in the rocking chair all night with the baby, poor thing can't sleep. Right now, Cam and Emery are the only ones not sick.

I went to the doctor for myself and they are treating it as a virus unless it isn't better in another week and a half, I will be in TX by then, hopefully. So, I am nasal irrigating (so much fun), steroid nasal spraying, taking mucinex, and ibuprofen for the pain. I've missed an entire week of exercise, but managed to lose about 1-2 pounds(I fluctuate) probably because I haven't felt like eating anything.

I need to take Joelle in and treat her ear infection with shots if this antibiotic isn't working by Tues. or Wed. They put her on a stronger antibiotic, but because she had diahrea for a week following her last round of antibiotics, he tried to put her on the one that was slightly less diahrea inducing, which I was told not to be alarmed will also turn her poop red (the doctor said it is festive). So, everyone cross your fingers that this antibiotic works and that the rest of us can please stay healthy, throw a few prayers our way please. Pray that I don't have a nervous break down and that Chase doesn't have to have me committed. So, sorry this isn't a happy, fluffy, Christmas letter for you all. Our Christmas letter will have to be delayed, hopefully, there will be some happier things to report. Merry Christmas everyone, and may the seasonal bugs pass you by!


  1. You have my empathy and my sympathy.

  2. I spoke too soon, Cam stayed home sick from school today. He must not be feeling well to miss the annual school Christmas trip to the movie theatre.

  3. Oh man, I'm so sorry. Kids all getting sick is just one more thing on the list of "things". I hope that everyone gets better soon and that your reunion and holidays are extra sweet to make up for it.
