Monday, November 8, 2010

Weight Loss Update

So, I went to Zumba this morning which totally kicked my trash, but was awesome! I weighed myself when I got back. I am trying to weigh myself only once a week, and weighing myself first thing Monday morning can be daunting, especially since I tend to eat worse over the weekend. I was pleasantly surprised though. I am down 4 1/2 more pounds! Which means I have lost a total of 17 1/2 pounds since September-yippee!!! So, only 34 1/2 more pounds to go-yikes! I proudly survived Halloween, so now I just need to conquer Thanksgiving and Christmas :) .


  1. Wow, Jenn, that's AWESOME! I hope that you are taking pictures of your success. It feels really good when you can really start seeing and feeling the results. You go, girl!
