Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Under the Apricot Tree/6-10-10

Taking a break from picking Grandma Fox's Apricots.
Arrow coming for some love from the kids.


  1. I think it's so funny how they enjoy picking apricots. When I was younger, I hated having to pick them.

  2. Did you change your layout? How fun. I bet the kids are excited for school...at least mine are! And, I bet Grandma was happy to have so many happy helpers pick apricots. Jam in your future?

  3. Yeah, my kids are weird, they also enjoy eating broccoli, cleaning the house, and picking up dog poop. I want to know where those kids were when we had dogs.

    The kids are enjoying school, at least until they got sick. Most of the apricots got eaten or frozen I think. I wish I would have thought to make some jam, it probably would have been really good.
