Sunday, August 1, 2010

Random Stuff

The kids start school tomorrow. I don't feel ready to send them back yet. They are nervous but excited I think for the most part. We drove over to the school yesterday and found out their teachers and what school supplies they needed and then walked around and found their classrooms. Cam will be in 1st grade, Addie 3rd, and Bailey 5th. They ride the bus at 7:30 am and will get home about 4:55 pm. No homework-yippee! Also, they get to do some fun activities like play piano, sing, and art, which public elementary schools don't do anymore, and all of which is done during school hours : ). Bailey is also old enough to be in the band.

Joelle is 5 months old and getting big so fast. She's been eating solid food and is starting to try and crawl. She will be cruising in no time. She has mastered the rolling over pretty well. She's also been a lot more interested in her surroundings and discovering things and playing with toys. She's also discovered her feet. She's still a pretty happy baby for the most part except when she's having tummy troubles and I think she may be starting to teethe. She still has the funniest laugh and is talking a lot more. She now makes a pleasant sing-song cooing noise more than her screeching. The screeching sounded like she was dying and couldn't breathe or something. It made for awkward moments at church or in public. She decided to screech like that during a lady's comment during a lesson at church one time which was kind of embarrassing. I don't think any of my other kids ever made that sound. It's funny how she moves on to different sounds and stops making one when she discovers a new sound. Hopefully, the screeching was just a phase.

The kids have had an awesome summer. We are fortunate to have neighbors and friends here who let us swim quite often. The kids are like little fishies now, even Emery. She took some time to warm up, but now she loves it. Joelle is not a big fan however. We took the kids to see Toy Story 3 with some movie gift cards we had received. I was shocked at how expensive it is. We would have had to pay $37. instead of the $4. we actually paid if we didn't have the gift cards. It would have been free, but the theatre charged us for Emery who is 2, ridiculous! Apparently, they start charging admission at age 1, which was $6.00 I believe. No wonder movie theatres aren't doing well. We also went to WINCO and let the kids pick out some candy for the movie. It was a lot of fun and Joelle behaved perfectly and slept through most of the movie. I didn't have high expectations for the movie, but ended up really liking it. I even got teary eyed over toys. Is it pathetic that I started to cry over the plight of toys while watching a cartoon? I'll blame it on lack of sleep, stress, and hormones.

Chase surprised Cam with a trip to see a Dodgers game. Chase's friend called him up with tickets, so they both took their boys and went to batting practice and everything. Some players even gave the boys some balls. Cam had a blast, even though the Dodgers lost. Also, for family night one week, and to celebrate Aunt Ceri's birthday, everyone but me and Joelle went to a Maverick's game. The Mavericks are a local Single A team I believe. Chase can correct me if I'm wrong. The tickets were pretty cheap and you could get sodas, hamburgers, and nachos for $1.00. They all made pigs of themselves and I was shocked to find out how much the kids ate. They had a mascot come and sign the kids' hands and Emery of course was mortified and afraid of it. The kids got to race the mascot across the field also. Emery did cheer up later though and got her groove on to the music playing. If you're curious you can watch the movie of her dancing on Chase's blog and there are pics of the game and more details on his blog also.

We also go on walks pretty much everyday. I walk with Chase's mom, sister Molly, and a friend in the morning. Then I go on a walk on the golf course in the evenings with Chase. Since Chase will be leaving probably next Mon. for TX, I decided we needed to start taking each kid by themselves to walk with us, so they get some Mommy/Daddy time. I will probably continue this when Chase is gone. They like looking for bunnies, lizards, and golf balls. Races with dad on the golf course are also a favorite. The kids have also been filling their days with crafts and toys and helping around the house. I am pleasantly surprised at how well the kids have been helping with chores. I am attempting to make a chore chart with pictures so I don't need to nag them and they can do it on their own. I'm stealing the idea from a friend who posted it on her blog (Thanks Caroline!) But they love being helpers and having more responsibility. Cam is also the dog helper. He gets up early in the morning to feed the dogs and even enjoys cleaning up their poop, who knew.

Anyway, getting ready to start the school year and getting ready to send off Chase. Really not looking forward to being away from him for 6 months at least, but probably 10 if we complete the school year here. We are extremely thankful Chase will be employed again, and we are extremely grateful for this opportunity for our family. It's been hard, it will still be hard, but hopefully things will all work out. Pictures still to come, there are a lot!

1 comment:

  1. I can totally relate! Having Jake gone for 9 months and living with my inlaws. It will be a challenge, but what a blessing he will be starting work and you'll have family around to help. I hope all goes well starting school and everything else!
