Saturday, June 26, 2010

Good Things to Come

A friend posted this on her blog. I had heard this story before, but was reminded of it when I watched it again. I can't say how much this was needed right now for our family. I so very much needed to hear this message, and I wanted to share it with others as well. Things are tough, the world is scary, and life is frustrating and downright sucks sometimes. Some days I wonder if it's even worth it to go on. I am thankful for the gospel and my family in my life. That is the reason I get up every day determined not to quit or give up.

I am thankful for a loving Heavenly Father who is mindful of our trials and heartache even if it doesn't seem like it at the time, and I am sure He is our biggest cheerleader up there cheering us on. I can just imagine Him cheering for us, "Don't Quit! You can do it!" It's hard for me to let go sometimes as well and realize I'm not in charge and that if I just do my best and have faith then things will work out, maybe not how I expected them to, but they will work out. I believe our Heavenly Father wants us to be happy; He didn't send us here to experience only sorrow and pain. I think I sometimes forget that he gave us the Plan of Happiness, He wishes for us to be happy! So, for all of you out there barely treading water to stay afloat, I wish that we may all find hope and happiness and don't ever quit!

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