Friday, January 29, 2010

Giant Cinnamon Roll

For your viewing pleasure, I give you the biggest cinnamon roll I have ever seen. From a previous post you would know that Chase was in Texas and brought back a huge cinnamon roll we saw on a food show. It was huge, it was tasty! It probably would have tasted better fresh at the restaurant, but it traveled ok. Chase got stopped by airport security over it, but he was allowed to bring it home after they had a good laugh about it.
Cam and the giant cinnamon roll.
The girls and the cinnamon roll.
Nice bug eyes for a dramatic effect.
Chase showing us that the cinnamon roll is as big as his head. Thanks Chase for bringing us home such a lovely and gigantically proportioned treat!


  1. This is unreal! What a fun thing to see and then actually get to try. Hope things work out for the best with the jobs. Miss you guys.

  2. Thanks for the visuals! It looks really good. I hope you are surviving & that things start looking up for you. We're thinking about you!

  3. What food show? Was it Diner's Drive-inn's and dives?? Are you guys hoping to move to TX?

  4. Becky- We actually saw it on Man vs Food which airs on the Travel Channel. Usually we see places like that on DDD, but got hooked on Man vs Food while at Chase's parents' house.

    Yeah, we might end up in TX. Chase has 2 applications hopefully close to being done as a firefighter for either Houston, or San Antonio. He's also waiting to hear from OK. He wouldn't be able to start the academy though until June.
