Tuesday, July 21, 2009

No Job... Yet

So, I finally got a phone call yesterday from the place I sent my resume to a while back. They asked me to come in for an interview today, so I was really excited. They told me they could only offer me 8 hrs a week right now and the shift would probably from 3-7 am, but it would be something and I could probably work up to more hours later when they became available. Well, we were on our way to Salt Lake earlier when they called back today and I didn't get the phone in time, but listened to the message that was left. Apparently, they had looked again and saw that other employees had picked up the extra hours, so they wouldn't need to hire someone after all. I was bummed, but maybe it's for the best. They said they'd keep my resume on file and contact me later if they needed someone. I might try to apply at some other places, we'll see. I think maybe after all of Chase's crazy testing and flying all over the place, I might have a better idea of what's going on.


  1. If you want I can find some jobs for you to do around here when you come to visit. Molly just cleaned a bunch of the ceiling fans to earn money for EFY.

  2. Hey, I might just take you up on that. I'll trade you jobs for babysitting my kids so Chase and I can go out for our anniversary. I have 2 gift cards to Olive Garden coming.
