Monday, July 5, 2010

Joelle Turns 4 Months

Joelle all dressed up for her 4 month old pictures. I know there are a lot and that's because I couldn't decide, so I put up a lot of the ones I liked.

Always the hands... Joelle really likes to chew on her fingers and hands right now. She even sucked on her wrist so much, she left a raw, red patch. She usually ends every smile with both fists fighting for a spot in her mouth.
All these photos are the result of Molly's ability to make Joelle smile and laugh. I think maybe she should rent herself out at photo studios to get the babies to smile.

This is 'The Beast'. Don't be alarmed she is only smiling.

Side view of 'The Beast'. Aunt Molly and Joelle (4 months old).

I should have measured this string of drool.

Catching some Z's.

Joelle 3 months old with Mommy and Emery.

I love my sweet baby cheeks : )

Joelle 3 months old.

My little booger turned 4 months on June 26th. It still amazes me how fast time goes by and how quickly kids grow. She weighs 15 lbs. 14 oz. and is almost 25 in. long. The doctor was impressed with her development and was amazed at how social she was for a 4 month old. I guess the way she was smiling and interacting with the doctor is normally done at 6 months. Joelle smiled early like most of my kids have done. I know I have pictures of her smiling on her blessing day which was 6 weeks, but I believe she started before that. She started laughing a lot sooner though than the other kids, I think she probably first laughed late 2 months, maybe 3 months, not for sure. She is so funny though when she laughs and so the kids all try to get her laughing quite often. If we're lucky she'll oblige us with a round of cute baby laughs, or one of her crazy open mouth smiles which we have dubbed 'The Beast'. We have discovered that Joelle really likes Aunt Molly and so Molly can usually get Joelle to favor us with laughs and smiles. A lot of Joelle's 4 month pictures were the result of me enlisting Molly's help. I am going to post some 3 month pictures as well, just because I like them. One of the videos is kind of long, but I'm leaving it, because I think it's cute and Joelle doesn't really start to laugh until the end.

1 comment:

  1. I like the ones of "the beast"! LOL Love the cheeks. :)
