Saturday, October 31, 2009

Unwelcome Guest

So, as many of you know we live in the unfinished basement of my parents' house. There are french doors which lead to a walk out patio with stairs that lead up to the yard. There's a gap in the door which allows for leaves and twigs, etc. to blow inside. Occasionally I've seen dried tiny, shriveled up worms by the door along with potato bugs (sometimes still alive). I always just assumed that the worms had died outside and been blown inside, well the other day I learned that this was not the case. I was sitting at our computer desk about 5 ft away from the door when Emery came up to me and wanted to sit on my lap. So, I turned around to pick her up and was surprised by a 6 inch moving, wiggling worm crawling towards my foot on a piece of scrap carpet. Normally, I don't really care about worms, heck I dissected them in school among other more disgusting things, but this took me off guard. My first thought was that it was a snake because it was so long, but clearly on closer inspection you can tell it was only a worm. For those of you who know me, know I have a huge fear of snakes since I was a child. I was surprised, but deffinately thankful it was only a worm. I made Chase come and take it outside, even though Addie was all eager to do the job for me. Addie is my crazy girl who enjoys picking up snakes, worms, etc. and enjoys bringing home potato bugs and keeping them in her room, until I find their poor lifeless rolled up bodies in a drawer somewhere. Anyway, I've included a picture for you all to enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. It was a worm who dressed up as a snake for a Halloween party. (That's what I think, any how.)
