Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Emery The Energizer Bunny

Emery decided she doesn't want to sleep anymore. She has been struggling with taking naps lately and going to bed. This started around the same time I started to work; I'm not sure if there is a correlation or if it's just coincidence. We finally got Emery to go to sleep last night around 10:00-10:30, right before I left for work. I got home about 3:15 am and was getting into bed when I hear a little Emery voice talking. Chase seemed to be awake so I asked if Emery was in the bed and he answered in the affirmative. Apparently she had woken up just minutes earlier asking for me and was freaked out, so Chase put her in our bed. Well, since I was there now, she rolls over and tries to get as close to me as possible, meaning she ends up mauling me. She also would just talk and jabber constantly allowing me no possibility of getting any sleep. I wrestled with our little booger until about 5:00 am and finally had had enough and put her back in her bed where the screaming began again. I went upstairs and got her a drink which pacified her briefly, but she would have nothing with going to sleep. I was exhausted having been up since 7:30 am the day before, and gone to work. I'd been awake for about 21 1/2 hrs. straight.

Chase then took Emery upstairs where he tried to sleep on the couch while Emery watched some cartoons. He got the other kids ready for school and I woke up around 9:30 am, thinking she would have crashed and finally gone to sleep. This was not to be, she was not going to give in. After lunch, and watching some Yo Gabba Gabba in her high chair, Emery looked drowsy, so I decided to try again. I thought for sure she would just crash and take a nap. I laid her down around noon and the screaming ensued again off and on for about an hour, followed by a sad little voice asking if she could come out now. I was still tired, so thought I'd go down and see if she'd take a nap with me if I laid down next to her. I read her a story, and we sang some songs together. I ended up falling asleep and Emery crawled out of bed and went upstairs to play.

The day went on like this with Emery actually not acting any crankier than her usual 2 year old self and not seeming to be sick or anything out of the ordinary. We finally put her down to bed again tonight around 9:00 when we finally heard quiet about 9:30. The screaming has stopped and she finally gave up her fight to stay awake. Going on about no more than 5 hours of sleep, Emery was awake from 3:00 am until 9:30 pm. I have no idea what in the heck possessed this kid to do this, I only pray that this is the end of the madness. I was so perplexed I was about to call the pediatrician. Short of dosing her with benedryl, or giving her Bailey's melotonin I was completely at my witts end on what to do. I'm crossing my fingers that this never happens again and that she wakes up happy tomorrow morning at a normal time, or better yet a little later to make up for all the grief she gave us. What 2 year old does this, it's crazy!


  1. I can sympathize. When she was little (actually, from the time she was born) Brie didn't sleep much. And she never took regular naps. After Chase came along--between the two of them, I wondered if I would ever be allowed to sleep through the night again.

    As much as we would like to medicate our children to sleep (and yeah, I've heard mothers brag that they do this and it shocks me) it's not a good idea.

    (Although, now that I've reread this--before I hit "post comment" I realize that I look like I'm saying, "I suffered when my kids were small, you need to cowboy up and suffer too." And that's not what I mean at all.)

    Oh. And your new blog format is much easier for "old eyes" to read.

  2. That is crazy! Here's hoping she slept well last night, and continues to do so.
