Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Crossroads Feis

On Sat. the girls wanted to go watch the crossroads feis (pronounced "fesh") held at the Marriot Hotel in Provo. My mom enrolled Bailey and Addie in an Irish dance class at the Power Academy of Irish Dance. They really enjoy it and are excited about practicing and getting better. They seem to improve with every lesson. I'm glad they have something active that interests them. Their dance school was involved in an Irish dance competition (crossroads feis), so we decided to go watch since it was free to watch.

It was interesting to watch all the different dancers and their different costumes. The older girls had more elaborate costumes all of which usually had sparkly and brightly colored patterns. They all wear really tight curly wigs as well, which I never realized were wigs until we got involved with Irish dance. The girls wear different shoes as well, ranging from beginner types to more advanced. I am not sure on the names of the shoes, but Bailey ended up getting a pair that hopefully will leave room to grow in, so they last a long time because they are expensive. They are pretty cool looking and have really long laces that lace around a lot. Maybe later I will get pictures and post them. Sorry, but I forgot my camera and didn't take pics of the feis.

The feis was really crowded and wasn't really the sit down type of performance that I thought it would be. People were constantly coming in and out. They would announce different specific dances and those competing in that category would all line up along the back of the stage. They had musicians playing what appeared to be an accordian, but I could be wrong and they were also playing one of those irish drums. There were also people moderating each group and as the music would start the person moderating would clap twice signaling the next person to go out and perform. They would dance for about a minute then the moderator would clap again signaling the end of that performance and starting the next girl. When the performers were done, they would bow to the judge and then bow to the musicians. It was really interesting, but I think I prefer more of a performance type venue. It was hard to watch sometimes with people going in and out so much and groups changing all the time, but it was neat to see the different levels and types of dance and how they actually do the competition. There were these really tiny girls younger than 5 who were amazing. The girls really liked it and I think it motivated them to keep practicing. I love Irish dance, so I'm excited they like it. I would eventually like to learn myself one day.


  1. I'm glad you had fun! If you ever find a beginning irish dance class for adults, let me know. I've always wanted to learn too!

  2. An older gentleman(grandpa) came one day just to see about it. I spoke with him a little. He's been teaching himself at home I guess with videos and wanted to join. The teacher said it was fine as long as he didn't mind dancing with kids, but the registration period had just ended. The next one starts in Jan. I think.

    In the girls' class there are all levels and ages, mostly younger girls, but there is a high school age girl & they take her aside and do different things with her because she catches on more quickly. They have a class in A.F. as well which I think is bigger(we dance in Payson). If I had the money, I'd sign up next semester and do it with them, but since my mom is paying I'm not. You could always ask and see. Their teacher is Aubree and the email is I know they have a website, too. If you want to take classes, since you found out through us we both get a discount I think, their prices are pretty reasonable.

  3. OK, I know my last comment was way long, but thought I'd add that there were boys who dance and competed as well. They were actually pretty cool to watch because they would get a lot of height when they danced and jumped.

  4. I don't know if you remember, but when Molly was four and five she LOVED Riverdance. Natalie taped it for her off of the TV and she wore out the tape. We bought her a "how to" tape for Christmas, but it wasn't as good as Michael Flatley's version.

    I hope your kids have a great time.
