Sunday, October 30, 2011

Zeke Finally Catches a Snake

A few weeks ago while waiting for Emery's bus Zeke got all excited and started barking. He only barks at snakes and snake skin and occasionally at other dogs. So, I figured it was another snake skin, because he had proven useless the other time there was a snake a few feet away from him and he just rolled around in the grass like a big idiot. Well, I instructed the girls to wait a distance away while I went to see what it was. There in the grass, sure enough was a snake, I was fully expecting just some snake skin again. I put Emery on her bus and then went in back to do some gardening and let Joelle play. I was pretty sure it was just a garter snake, but it was hard to make out in the grass. I went back inside when I was done and grabbed the camera. It was a checkered garter snake which I have seen plenty of on our property, usually smaller, this was good sized, but I've seen one bigger. Zeke must have barked at that stupid thing for an hour. I finally told him to leave it and come inside. I was happy that he was actually able to corner it and keep it at bay, before I just thought he was all bark. I went back out though to see if it was dead, I didn't think it was dead, but injured and sure enough it was gone. I think it was playing dead. I don't understand why it didn't just get away, it was by all this shrubbery and rocks and probably could have escaped. I'm just hoping now that the weather is cooler and we don't see our snake friends around any more for a while. I posted a video of me coming out to get Zeke, it was really windy, so there's a lot of back ground noise.

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