Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Woo Hoo!

So, I don't know how, but I some how managed to lose 6 more pounds since weighing myself before I left for San Antonio. I stepped on the scale this morning actually bracing myself for a larger number, but was shocked to discover I had actually lost the most weight so far...6 lbs. in about 1 1/2 wks. We did do a lot of walking at the River Walk, but that wasn't too vigorous. We also walked a lot at McAllister park. Maybe it was all the baby carrying and running to connecting flights. I don't know. I thought for sure all the BBQ and Dibs left in the freezer for me by Chase would have done me in. Maybe it was because I was eating a lot of protein. Maybe it was because I was sleeping a little better since Joelle was sleeping better while we were there. In any case I am pleasantly surprised and happy. My total weight loss so far since coming back from CA is 13 pounds. Let's see now if I can just make it through the holidays... Halloween candy, Thanksgiving, Christmas...yikes!!! I've got my work cut out for me, especially since I am a self admitted food lover. Wish me luck!

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