Saturday, October 16, 2010

More Texas Trip

Some cool trees inside McAllister Park.
Where we ate our last yummy BBQ dinner in San Antonio.
Chase giving a fussy Joelle a ride through the park.
On the path in the park.
Pushing Joelle down the trail.
You can see the cool overhang of trees behind me.

Joelle getting tired and hungry. She was happy for a while, but quickly became unhappy to be there.
My close encounter with the gnarly spider. You can't see any detail because it was dark, but you can maybe get an idea of how big it was or maybe not...bad picture.
Ooooh scary deer.
Deer, guess we should have gone earlier in the day if I wanted to take pictures.
Some bucks in the trees. Stinky camera wouldn't get a good pic because it was getting dark.
The cool armadillo!
At least his picture turned out :) .

Joelle having a good time with Dad.

Chase making Joelle laugh, I love this picture!

Joelle with her cool bib at Grady's it says... Rib-Stickin', Finger-Lickin', Lip-Smackin', Bodacious BBQ.
Some really yummy dried fruit, trail mix, and baby food we bought at one of the main grocery stores in TX called HEB. I really liked the store which is a good thing I guess since I will probably be doing a lot of my grocery shopping there. Chase finally caught Joelle doing one of her 'guy' push-ups.

Our last night in TX Chase took me and Joelle to this awesome park where he goes running. It's this huge park right in the middle of the city with a ton of wild life. It was really strange to go walking through all these tree covered paths and be surrounded by deer and wildlife. The deer would be within feet of you. While we were taking some pictures of some bucks I spotted an armadillo and while trying to get a better picture I almost walked right into the web of a gnarly spider. The pictures at the park were not the greatest because it was dusk and already dark in the park because of all the trees. All the deer look evil and possessed. Pretty soon the fireflies also started to come out and that was really cool. I'd never seen a firefly or an armadillo before.

After the park we drove to Grady's for some more BBQ. It was really good. Chase got chopped BBQ, brisket, and ribs. I got brisket and turkey breast. The creamed corn I had with my meal was also really good. Chase ordered some pie as well, so he had lemon meringue and I had apple, they were both delicious. It was a very fun way to spend our last night in San Antonio. I really miss being there with Chase and look forward to when we can all be there together again.


  1. You forgot to mention that the reason all the deer pictures turned out dark was that you spent a lot of time right at the beginning of the walk taking pictures of 2 lonely deer far off the path. I told you there would be better chances for more deer, and closer shots, and that we should move before it got too dark, and you wouldn't listen :)

    Do you remember that?

    Those pictures of me with Joelle make me look like a giant spaz, thanks for posting them. Maybe I wouldn't look like such a psycho if I had some hair.

  2. Whatever dork, I took like 2 pictures. We just got there too late. And you don't look like a spaz, it's cute!
