Friday, November 27, 2009

Gobble Gobble!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! For turkey day we had just our fam, my parents, and my brother Clint and his wife Michelle. I made way too much food, but it's nice to have leftovers. I tried to get all the cooking done the day before so basically it was just the turkey left. My mom made the pumpkin pies and gravy. I'm not much of a gravy person, I never have much luck. Even last year after getting explicit instructions from Chase's uncle Ken who makes the best gravy ever, I was not able to pull it off. This year I brined the turkey again and had a turkey battle in the process. The turkey was about 19 lbs. and was still a little frozen in the middle. The neck was frozen stuck as well as the bag of giblets frozen in the butt cavity. I pried and pulled and chizzeled for a very long time. I think everything turned out ok. We had a pretty fun and relaxing day. It just went by way too fast. Sorry, but I didn't take any pictures to commemorate the occasion.

My Thankful List...
-My fabulous husband who works hard, doesn't give up, reminds me of what is really important, makes my day when I am down, loves me in spite of myself, brings me joy and laughter especially when I need it, has a seemingly unending amount of patience when I don't, and is an excellent, loving, and fun dad for our kids.
-My sweet, silly kids who keep me going especially when things are tough, give me hugs and kisses when I most need them, make me smile, and keep me laughing.
-My parents for putting up with us and letting us stay in their basement after Chase got laid off and being loving, caring parents and grandparents.
-My other parents(in-laws) for helping us after Chase got laid off and being the best in-laws ever. I don't understand those stories about bad in-laws. I am also thankful for their unconditional love and ability to be extraordinary parents and grandparents.
-My siblings for keeping it real : ) . I enjoy developing different relationships now that we are all in different stages of our lives. I love the friendships and fun we have been able to share together.
-Other siblings' spouses, Chase's siblings and their spouses who are just as much part of the famiily and bring friendship and joy to our family.
-Friends that are kind, listen, helpful, thoughtful, and non-judgemental.
-My job and my husband's job even though they're both only part time, they are both a blessing.

-Good health. Any time no one is ill in my family is a good time and one to be thankful for because you never know how long that's going to last.
-Freedom and for the men and women who fight to keep it. I am thankful to live in a country with so many gifts and blessings that others can only dream of.
-The gospel for blessing my life as well as my family.
-Autumn leaves and Fall weather
-Naps are rare, but wonderful
-Yummy food! I could probably fill up the whole page with a list of favorites, but that would only make me hungry and at 2:45 am while at work, that's not a good thing. Now I want to go home and bust out the apple pie, I'm so bad.
-Funny shows and movies that let me escape into a world of laughter for a while to forget things that are bringing me down. Also, good books that do the same.
-This blog that lets me capture memorable moments as my journal, since I'm too lazy/busy(there's a fine line I guess) to scrapbook my kids'/ family's memories or keep a journal anymore.

Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. I'm so glad you had a wonderful holiday! Loved your thankful list!

  2. "BUTT cavity!" LOL You crack me up, Jenn! :) Sounds like a you had a lot to be thankful for.
