Thursday, June 4, 2009

Hair Cuts & Games

Today, after much begging from the girls (especially Addie) I decided to finally cut the kids' hair. I cut Bailey's, Addie's, and Cam's (after chasing him around the house first) hair. The girls were just excited not to have snarly and hard to brush hair anymore. When cutting both the girls' hair, they kept telling me to go shorter and shorter. I refused to cut Bailey's hair up to her ear which is what she wanted. I told her it would look like I stuck a bowl on her head and cut her hair around it. Cam of course was a little more reluctant as usual. He has a paranoyia about his hair being too short and was afraid I would "make him bald". He's always fine after the fact, but always laments the loss of his hair for a while. At about 1 year old someone brought to my attention how cute it was that he played with his hair while drinking his bottle. I had never noticed it before, but he likes to play with other people's hair as well, especially when he's sleepy. I think it's a comfort thing. When laying him down for a nap when he was younger he'd suck on his pacifier and play with my hair until he fell asleep. I just hope Cam marries a girl who likes her hair played with. Anyway, so here's a pic of the kids with their snazzy new hair cuts and mine as well. Probably doesn't look like much to most of you, but it is a much better look for me than the pony tail I was sporting did. It's also not too dramatic of a change as some of my past hair cuts have been, which have been problematic for me. Just try to ignore the glare from my white legs that seem to blend in with the wall color.

Grandma Fox also played a game with the kids tonight which Bailey really loves. It's called Last Word and is a lot of fun. I'm sure it can be a little frustrating playing with kids though. I sat in and watched and tried to help Cam a little bit. The object of the game is to be the last one to come up with a word that fits the letter of the alphabet and topic that are drawn before the buzzer sounds. An example of this is "Things babies use", beginning with the letter "B". After two answers of "bottles and binkies" were given, one of the kids called out "babies!". Grandma Fox explained to them that babies don't use babies and that answer was thrown out. Cam usually would just call out whatever came to his mind along the lines of the topic and quite often didn't consider it had to start with a certain letter. Grandma was a good sport though and lasted much longer than I would have had the patience for, especially as the volume of shouting out answers escalated and arguments ensued. Well, it's late and I probably should have waited to post till tomorrow, but I want to keep up and not fall behind. On the game pics I couldn't get rid of all of Addie's red eye, or lack of any pigment for that matter. I don't know why, but because of the color of Addie's eyes often times pictures we take of her have that possessed look in them. Sometimes I can fix it, sometimes I can't, but I included them, because I liked the pictures in spite of the red eye.

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