Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Creatures Among Us

Every time I freak out about something new that ventures into our yard or house, Chase reminds me that he told me I'd have to get used to things like this if we lived here, particularly the country. And I tell him, yes I know, but I don't think it's unrealistic to create protective barriers to limit these encounters as much as possible. We've killed 5 scorpions so far, and countless huge spiders, earwigs, silver fish, and other annoying bugs that I don't know the names for. We've been seeing baby geckos in the house as well, which I don't mind at all, they can eat all the bugs for us. I don't have any pictures of the before mentioned creatures, but for your viewing pleasure enjoy the ones below.
This little guy I found hopping around by the computer one night. I got a cup and scooped him up and tossed him outside. I don't know why I bothered, he probably just got eaten. He was probably safer inside our house. Should've put him in a jar or something, or just let him hop around and eat all the plentiful bugs that venture into our home. I'm waiting for a special delivery of insect powder that is supposed to be safe for people and pets. Will update you later with that.

So, this is my most least favorite creature that lives with us. Well, it's probably a tie between this and the large rat(s) that live out by the shed. Chase has been the only one to see it(them). Within the last week or so we've woken up to find large (about 5 ft) snake skins in our yard. One Sunday morning I found one by our back porch right by the door. Cam and Emery have been the only ones to see the snakes alive. Cam nearly jumped on one and Emery just saw another one slither into the bushes. Well, everyone has seen the smaller garden snakes. I unfortunately encountered a Hog Snake (that's what Chase says it is) by our front porch mat hiding under Cam's bag of soft balls. I had opened up the door to let Zeke out before church. I'm surprised Zeke didn't notice, I guess he was just too excited to go outside. I don't know what it is about Sunday mornings and unwanted things visiting me. I think I kept my composure, I didn't scream since kids were still sleeping, I called for Chase to get it away from the house so it wouldn't get inside. We haven't heard the snake in the attic since the last time. I just wish they'd do their jobs by eating vermin and then skeedaddle away into the neighbor's cornfield or something and only do that at night so I never see them, oh and shed their skin in the neighbor's field as well. Not too much to ask for is it? Addie took the following pictures, NOT me! You're lucky I even put them on here.
Bailey catching chickens at pool play date at a friend's house from church.
One night Cam had run in to tell me he found a dead rodent in the water shut valve tube. I don't know what else to call it. This is where we had a leak previously and we've been trying to find a cover for it, but the one we bought was too small. We will probably need to make one of our own. Anywho, I went out to investigate and indeed there was a very large dead field mouse. I assume it had somehow gotten in and possibly drowned from a previous heavy rainstorm. I texted Chase and informed him he'd have to take care of the thing when he got home since I wasn't touching it. The very next morning Cam and Zeke went out and found what you see in the pictures below. Zeke was all very excited as he is whenever he finds something moving and crawling around in the yard, bushes, or trees. Cam came in this time telling me a large rat or possum was in the hole this time. I'm like are you serious, what the heck! So, I ventured out to cautiously investigate again. Sure enough there was a possum, pretending to be dead. It had crawled inside and eaten the dead rodent and got stuck. So, I texted Chase and told him you have to get rid of a live possum now when you get home. I suggested he stick something in the hole so it could crawl out on its own, but Chase scooped it out with a shovel and flung it across the yard. I guess it was snarling at Chase when he did it. But, yeah, we really need a cover for that stupid thing.


  1. I would have loved to have lived there when I was a kid. All of those critters would have been a blast to catch and play with.

  2. Don't be giving my kids any ideas now!

  3. Your first posted photo looks (to me) like an eyeball.
