Sunday, August 7, 2011

Chase's Fingers...

This picture was actually a couple of days after the accident. The other pics I think were the day after. His fingers actually started to look worse several days after. These pictures don't really do it justice though, they look much worse than the camera leads on. I think they also look worse now.

So, I got a phone call at midnight a couple of days ago from Chase. I immediately get this little panicky feeling, and the first thing that pops into my mind is ..."Oh no, he lost his job again!". I guess I'm still not over the 2 yr lay off and have some issues still. It surprised me that, that is what I first thought happened. I guess I'm just as bad as the kids. Occasionally, we have conversations with the kids where I'm reassuring them that Dad isn't going to lose his job. The questions and concerns pop up randomly, brought on by different things.

Chase had actually called to tell me he was on his way home after smashing his fingers with an axe trying to break into a locked apartment at a fire. They sent him to the med clinic to get x-rays to make sure they weren't broken and he was sent home. He was told to come back in 2 days to see if the doctor would release him to be able to work again. He was barely allowed to go back to work, but has been in a lot of pain all week. He followed his dad's (who is also a firefighter) advice to drill into the fingernail to relieve the pressure. He had previously tried to break through it with a needle, but it didn't work. I came home from a Relief Society activity to find all these tools and drill bits on the kitchen counter. I asked Chase what he had been doing and he showed me his gross fingernail now sporting an oozing pussy whole in the middle. He had drilled part way through and finished it off with a needle. Later that day while waiting in line at the store he showed me a new development of a tiny air bubble floating around under his fingernail...lovely. He will most likely lose the fingernail. I guess the most positive thing from all this is that he hasn't been able to give kids baths or change diapers. Positive I should say for him, not me! Also, the next time he tried to drive his car to go to the doctor, it started, but the clutch wouldn't work. I guess it was a blessing he got sent home early or it could have died on him on the freeway somewhere.


  1. The last time I drilled through one of my finger nails, I scraped off a bunch of the nail with a sharp pocket knife, then I drilled the rest of the way through with about an 18 gauge IV needle I got at work. There is a bit of pain going through the drilling process, but it's worth it when the pressure is relieved. And most definitely he will lose that nail, but it will take a couple of months most likely. When it starts to loosen up, put some tape around it otherwise, he might catch it on something and rip it off before it's really ready to come off.

  2. YOWCH! I hope his fingers feel better soon!! I love your girls' haircuts! So cute!
