Saturday, May 14, 2011

More Stuff...

Well, this post was supposed to come before my last one, but I can't figure out how to change that. So, if you're confused on any references, just read the previous post. By the way, can you tell I'm having a hard time coming up with more titles for my blog? Anyway, been trying to stay on top of my blog, but it's been difficult with crappy internet, moving, illness, etc. Hopefully, I will be better in the upcoming weeks. We have more reliable internet now, hopefully. We just moved into our new home and are still unpacking, but hopefully once we get more settled I'll be able to knock out a whole bunch of posts. So a quick update on us...

Cam got sick right before we moved, then I felt crappy, then Chase got sick which delayed further moving, and Joelle has been sick for over a week so it has been really hard to move and get anything done. We are still trying to put things away, but it's hard to do that with a sick little girl and trying to keep up on laundry and everything like that. In fact things would have been much worse if my visiting teacher hadn't come over to help me pack and then brought us dinner the next day. Joelle is on her 5th ear infection since Thanks Giving of last year. Our doctor said they usually refer for ear tubes when you've had 3 in 6 months and Joelle's on her 5th. The pattern is she usually gets sick and then gets an ear infection, this time was no different. Since she's been on so many antibiotics and her fever seemed to go down, we both decided to wait and see if she got better and was just on the mend. I had waited several days before actually taking her in to see the doctor in hopes that the fever and crankiness was just teething from molars coming in. Well, the next morning her fever was on its way back up and she was miserable so the Dr. called in a prescription and she's on antibiotics again. Chase and I need to figure out if we want her to get tubes or not or give it a wait to see if it's just bad luck and living in a filthy mouse poop house and that she might start doing better living here...I hope that's the case. I really don't want her to get tubes.

My parents flew in on Wed. to visit with us. My dad has a conference in Austin next week so they came in early to see us. The first day here we decided to go to Sea World since kids would be in school still and the weather was supposed to be cool because of some rain. We've had a drought here forever and every time they warn us of a storm, the sky gets dark and then it sprinkles a little and is done. I had seen the forecasts for rain in the morning and that was supposed to be it, so I wasn't worried. We headed out and the skies were dark, and it was raining a bit, but I wasn't worried. As we got closer to San Antonio, the skies started to get darker, and more rain... still not worried, it was supposed to blow over soon. Then as we were almost there it got darker than I had ever experienced in a storm. It was about 9 in the morning and it was completely dark like it was night time. Huge dark clouds loomed and the flood gates opened... we're talking scary stuff, like doom and gloom apoccolyptic storm stuff. I have never been in a storm like that before. Then my friend texted me and said there was dangerous wind and storm advisory in effect for where we were going and we already were in the middle of it so we decided to turn around and go home. I am so thankful Chase was driving, it was pretty scary. The freeways and roads were flooding. We saw an on ramp where cars were backing up because it was flooded and they couldn't get through. At one point we were off the freeway and a truck drove by hurling a wave of water on our windshield temporarily blinding us, so thankful that didn't cause an accident. Chase got us safely home and we ended up making the Sea World trip yesterday.

When I took the kids and my mom today to get away from the house during the snake hunt we went downtown to check out "market days". It was pretty fun when the kids were behaving and not doing anything stupid like blowing on horns with their mouths that we ended up having to buy because they contaminated the seller's item with their saliva, or fighting, etc. Then we went to a chocolate gift store and we were almost done when the kids decided that the free samples of soap were candy and began to eat them. I looked over as my mom was checking out and noticed the kids taking bites of something. I asked what they were eating and the cashier and my mom said it was soap. So, some of them finished eating it, I think Emery and Cam, Bailey spit hers out into her hand and what does Addie do...runs out the door and spits up everything on their porch right in front of the entrance door. So, I grabbed some tissues from my mom and mopped up Addie's mess while profusely apologizing to the store owner. I love my kids, but some times I think I'm raising 5 monkeys instead of 5 children. I've decided I can't take my kids anywhere any more. Every time I try to take them somewhere, especially by myself, something stupid or embarrassing happens. I'm a walking circus most days. My mom just laughed and said she thought it was funny and that we'd laugh about it some day, probably. But I told her it was only funny because they weren't her kids. I'll laugh about it some day I'm sure.

Well, not much else left to update. I have some pictures later I will put up. Just trying to unpack and will be driving the kids to and from school every day now. It's a sad day when the bus doesn't come any more, but no point in traumatizing the kids by starting a new school a month before school gets out.


  1. I'm sorry Jenn, but I was laughing as I read this post. Some day you will laugh too!

  2. I know you're hesitant about the tubes, but someone in the family's child just got them and the benefits (and positive change) has been immediate. I'm not going to share more than that, but I'll tell you in person if you'd like. I'm not trying to talk you into or out of anything. And congratulations on your new house! (Also, Jack and I smiled while reading some of your snakier trials. Sorry. I sympathize with you, but wouldn't it ALMOST be worth having a pet snake to keep the rodents away?) : )

  3. Yeah, I would like more info on the tubes. Our Dr. said the difference afterward is usually night and day, but it all depends on the kid. It just makes me nervous and I'd rather not do it.

    And no, NO pet snakes for me thank you! Like I said, it can live outside and do the job there. Oh, and I really hope I can look back and laugh at this some day when my stomach has stopped constantly churning.

  4. Oh Jenn, I am in awe of you. I can't imagine how you deal with all the stress so well. Crazy! I hope you can get rid of the snake soon, sorry I don't have any ideas for you there. I do have experience with ear tubes, though. I had them as a child, and both Lucas and Spencer had them more recently. I was also worried about it, but both boys recovered within hours and have not had infections since. The surgery itself only lasts a few minutes. I think it has been for the best. Good luck!
