Monday, March 21, 2011

St. Patrick's Day

So, for St. Patrick's Day the kids and I made a Leprechaun trap. We failed to catch him, so we woke up to a bunch of mischief the Leprechaun had caused the night before. He toilet papered the house, placed our cereal all over the house and replaced it with toilet paper, drew a silly face with lipstick on the bathroom mirror, hid my keys in the toaster oven, turned our milk and toilet water green, put diapers in the fridge, and the kids' underwear in the freezer. It was a crazy and fun morning!

We had green pancakes for breakfast. For dinner we ate cornbeef, cabbage and potatoes, with green grapes, kiwis, Bailey's green punch, and green sugar cookie bars. Chase also made the kids banana splits later that night.

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