Saturday, October 2, 2010

Dinner Tonight

So, I've been sick off and on for about a week now. I say off and on, because I will start to feel better, then feel like crap again. My littlest booger is not letting me get much sleep so I attribute this to a lack of sleep for the most part, especially since I feel the crappiest at night and early morning.
After watching 2 sessions of conference, a trip to the drug store and Walmart, and finally getting the booger baby to calm down, I set out to make some dinner for the starving brood. They had already eaten a donut (my bribary for behaving well during conference), so I decided to make dinner easy and light. It was essentially just going to be a kind of appetizer, but my mom pointed out that there were veggies, and protein, so we should be all set. I tossed the kids a roll and there was dinner.
My inspiration came from a church dinner social over the summer. It was one of the best things I had ever eaten. My mom also had been complaining about all the tomatoes that needed to be eaten or used somehow. Both my parents and I had recently obtained freshly minted Costco memberships, so while I was there giving my mom the tour of everything, I pointed out the fresh mozarella and suggested using it with the tomatoes. Then I went to the Sunflower Market and bought 4 oz. of Basil for $5. I sliced up the tomatoes, cut the cheese (who let a fluffy? :0) ), and placed the basil on top. When I was done with that, I drizzled some olive oil and sprinkled some black pepper on top. Yummy!!! My kids even loved it, which was a huge shocker, especially for the picky 3 yr old who won't even touch anything that even remotely looks suspiscious to her. All in all, it was the perfect dinner for a lazy, tired, and sick mom to make.


  1. My question, what did Addie eat for dinner?

    (I can't believe she ate tomatoes. Or is stunt girl becoming "I'll try anything girl?")

  2. Well, Addie ate a roll and then later she ate the tomato stuff. She resisted, but finally gave it a go after Chase talked to her. So, everyone ate it. I asked her if she liked it and she said yes, but didn't want to eat anymore.
