Thursday, September 16, 2010

Battle of the Bulge

Well, it's not a secret that I've gained a 'few' pounds since having children. In my case since I get gestational diabetes, I get to gain a lot more than normal women do. I've tried to maintain a proper diet and exercise since discovering my diagnosis. In fact I did really well with my third, but after my third, it's like my body rebelled and refused to lose the weight. After my 4th, I lost 20 lbs. right away, but then that was it and surprise baby number 5 joined us. So, I now have quite a few pounds to lose. I started to slowly get back into the swing of things by walking with Chase around our neighborhood after Joelle was born. Then I began walking more when we went to CA for the summer. That was frustrating, because I weighed myself after coming back and had gained 3 pounds even though I was eating better and exercising more. Then mysteriously, I weighed myself again after getting back and I had lost 5 pounds, don't know why. Could it have been the 4 days of eating coconut oil, hemp seed, and cream of wheat, less stress, who knows? While I waited to find my jogging stroller, I tried to run on my mom's treadmill (actually walk/jog) when kids would nap, if they napped.

Anyway, so I was able to buy an awesome double jogging stroller on KSL from a couple that was moving in Orem. I got them to take $125. for it. It is fabulous! It's tandem so, I can actually fit on a side walk or even in a store if I choose to, has a ton of storage space with pockets, adjustable canopies, 5 point harnesses for the kiddos, raised hand bar so I don't have to bend over to push it, bug net, weather canopy, a foot break, and a wrist leash, it's just really awesome! So, I am now on day 4 of walking in the morning with the 2 youngest. Sure it's a little more of a challenge than if I were to walk by myself, but man that stroller is amazing, except for really tight turns you wouldn't know I was pushing 60 plus pounds around. I am gradually working my way up to actually being able to jog pushing my 2 little fatties. The last 2 days I've been able to walk 2 2/3 miles which took me 55 min. yesterday and 50 min. today. I weighed myself today and I lost another 2 pounds-yeah! Next week I am going to take an evening Zumba class and hopefully an evening spinning class. I want to kick my metabolism into gear and then hopefully, I will start to see more results. Periodically, I will be posting my progress. I decided I needed to be accountable to someone, that would possibly be embarrassing if I failed miserably or just gave up. Rather than post it on facebook, I decided to keep it a little bit more intimate. Anywho, wish me luck!


  1. Good Luck!

    Don't get frustrated if it's slow at first. Even if it's not lost weight right away, all that work is doing something good for you.

  2. Wow - way to go! I have always wanted to try Zumba - it sounds so fun! Keep up the good work! :)

  3. Good luck!!! I feel like my #4 put way too many pound on me that I can't get off, so I totally understand where you're coming from!
