She discovered a cupboard that had a griddle and a rack which she interpreted to be a piano and started to "play" it and sing along. She also decided she was going to be a doggy and crawled around the floor barking like a dog. Emery also found some of her old baby toys from the diaper bag and was being cute playing with them and giving them kisses. Still, another video I have of her is singing while taking a bath in Grandma Fox's kitchen sink. In case you haven't figured it out, Emery loves music, singing, dancing, and playing the piano. Who knows, maybe she'll end up being my little musical prodigy.
I will try to post the movies of her if it works. Sorry, if this is boring for some of you, but being Emery's mom, I think it's adorable. Enjoy!
My little "doggy" Emery.
I love how little ones don't care what others think. They just go about being and doing what ever they want. I wish we could stay that way!