Wednesday, June 3, 2009

California Trip Part 2

Swimming With Attitude

Our first full day was spent mostly at church. We enjoyed Chase's parents' ward and were especially surprised by how quiet and reverent everyone was. Emery had a hard time after sacrament meeting and screamed in the nursery until they brought her back to us. I calmed her down in the mothers lounge only to have her start crying again when I went back into sunday school. Chase and his mom took her out until someone in the hall gave her a sucker which made her happy for a bit. When it was time to go to Relief Society she didn't want Chase, so I took her with us. As soon as we walked in she started crying again, so Barbara(Chase's mom) and I ended up taking her to the nursery. After she calmed down and warmed up to playing I decided to just stay there as to not traumatize her anymore. Barbara stayed too, because the perfume fumes in Relief Society were bothering her and she gets migraines. It ended up being quite entertaining as the deacons came in to help while the women went to their visiting teaching conference. All the boys ended up playing with the baby dolls, even dressing them. It was pretty funny.

On Monday Chase and I woke up early to go exercising with his parents. We took turns watching the kids. Chase went jogging on the golf course and "Triking" with his dad, and I took Emery in the stroller and walked the dogs with Barbara. I've kept to the walking routine every morning so far and it's nice to finally be back in a better exercise routine. I took Emery twice and for the most part she was good. Anytime she sees a playground though and we don't stop she gets very upset. She tries to break free from her stroller shouting "Play!, Play!". She liked looking at the many bunnies on our walk though.

Monday afternoon I got my hair cut finally. I had Barbara schedule a hair appointment for me with someone in their ward. I found a picture of my hair from a long time ago from when Addie was a baby and was going to have her cut it like that. Well, I brought the picture, but ended up leaving it at Chase's parents' house. I described how I wanted it though and it turned out perfect which was very nice. I have a hard time with hair cuts so I was very happy this one turned out so well. She was very affordable too which is a plus with having a husband out of work. I already cut Chase's hair before we left and I'm probably going to cut Cam's and the girls' hair myself while we're here as well.

Jack and Barbara's neighbor (Mrs. Hansen) has always been so nice to let my kids swim in her pool when we come to visit. So, all the kids except Emery went over to swim. The water was really cold, but it was a nice day and they had fun splashing around.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Love the swimming with attitude pic! I'm so glad you all are having a good time in California. Looks like so much fun.

    When you have a chance you'll have to post a picture of your new hair cut. :)

  3. In my "CA Trip Part 4" post you can kind of see my hair cut. It's really windy though, so I will try to post a better pic of my hair cut later. I think I have one of me on the fire engine, but that one was after my camera died and was taken on the disposable.
