Saturday, June 6, 2009

California Trip Part ?-ahhh forget it...Golfing in a Lightening Storm

As to not cause any more confusion, I'm not posting the trip in parts anymore. I'm jumping around so much anyway it's probably already out of order. We've been having a lot of fun and can't believe it's already been a week.

Chase and Mark(our brother-in-law/Chase's sister Ceri's husband) went golfing the other day at Jess Ranch and waited till after 3:00 to get a cheaper rate. There had been dark clouds all day and some wind. A while later after they had left a storm hit. First the wind picked up and then came a ton of rain with lightening and thunder. Then it started to hail and the power went out. It was crazy.

I told Chase we needed to bring jackets just in case, but he didn't want to pack them, luckily the rest of us never really went anywhere during that mess. We really only needed jackets yesterday which Chase's mom and I found an awesome deal on some sweatshirt/hoody jackets at Target. They were only around $4.00 each, it was great!

Anyway, back to the golf story, sorry I tangent so easily and frequently. So, here I was watching the storm hoping that Mark and Chase at least had the sense to come in off the golf course during the storm. Well, no more than 2 hrs. passed and here they come through the door. They both then related their "near death" experiences. Apparently they had been golfing and actually heard the thunder and saw some lightening before they started (should have been their first clue). They were making great time, because there wasn't anybody ahead or behind them on the golf course (should have been their second clue). So, they took their time, had fun, looked for golf balls in the water, and even proudly related pulling up some dead fish. Then the hail hit, and some lightening struck nearby(third clue). They both thought they'd still continue and it'd be ok.

Then lightening hit really close, too close. I think Chase said it was a few feet away, but I can't remember exactly. I'll write it here if I find out. Chase said it hurt his ears it was so close. So, that's when the boys finally decided they better quit and hurried inside. As they were going back in they passed some guys heading out to golf, but saw them turn around shortly and head back in as well. Nothing like golfing in the middle of a rain, hail, and lightening storm to get the adrenaline pumping I guess. I almost wonder if Chase and Mark had a death wish. We found out later that down in Fontana a woman who was walking to work was struck by lightening near a tree. Her clothes were blown off of her and found some ways away from her. Chase's dad probably knows more about it. So, sad! I'm just thankful that our 2 knuckleheads made it home safely.

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