Thursday, August 19, 2010

Making Pizza

It's no secret that making pizza and monkey bread with Grandma is a favorite past time for the kids. Grandma gets out her huge sheet pan, and I mean huge, the thing is the size for industrialized ovens. She spreads out the dough and the rest is history. The kids spread the sauce, cheese, and toppings all over it. Grandma is a braver woman than I am. Usually, pizza sauce and kids for me does not sound like a good combination, but the kids really did a great job with little clean up.
Spreading the sauce.
I don't want the side where Emery helped spread sauce.
Grating the cheese.
Spreading the cheese.
Covered in flour.

My little cheese spreader, he does it with such finesse.
Placing of the peperoni.
Ham blobs by Emery comes next.
Ready for the oven, good thing Grandma's oven is huge also.

And Voila, the pizza is finished!
Ready to consume the pizza!


  1. It's French, and it is spelled voila. But you say it walah. I love all the pictures!

  2. I think you're talking about "Voila". It sounds like walah though when you say it.

  3. Thanks, I actually almost put that, but thought I was hearing it wrong. Guess I should change it :) .
