Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Good News and Bad News

Good News: Had 4th ultrasound today and the baby's head finally turned down and we now know for sure that we are having a girl. So, now hopefully we can be prepared and find some girl clothes, if not in our storage then from the DI or somewhere cheap.

Also, Emery went pee pee in the potty twice today, and poop yesterday! Maybe too much information for you, but I'm excited to get one less kid out of diapers hopefully before the baby comes.

Bad News: I have to get Non-Stress-Tests done twice a week now, plus another ultrasound next month, plus my normal OB apts. So, it looks like 3 doctor apts. per week now, should be lots of fun, especially since I have to drive to American Fork for the apts. The baby is measuring 5 pounds already and I have borderline abnormal amniotic fluid, plus my sugar levels are all whacked. The maternal fetal doctor put me on insulin today to be safe. I have to inject myself 5 times a day now and still test my blood sugar 7 times a day. Lots of fun! I was hoping to not have to go on insulin, but was not to be.

Anyway, those are the updates.


  1. Congrats on potty training Emery and on having another girl! Both very exciting, I think. :-) And I'm sorry you have to take insulin shots, that can't be any fun.

  2. Holy Moly, Jenn. Four girls! Congrats! How are along are you? I think at baby #5 you deserve a baby shower. Maybe after the twins are born . . .

  3. Caroline, I'm a little over 32 weeks and I think the last thing you need to be worrying about is throwing a baby shower you crazy woman. I'm pretty sure you'll have your hands full for a long while silly. If anyone needs a shower it would be you, but thanks for the thought : ).

  4. Hey Jenn,
    I'm collecting addresses so I can send birth announcements (now, I have to have a disclaimer that I may not actually send any because who knows what state I'll be in after the babies are born) But I'd like to think I might get to it. What is your address?
