We were able to make a quick trip to CA before Christmas. I got people to cover my shift for 3 days and we spent about 4 days in CA and drove back on Christmas Eve. About our 2nd day there I woke up not feeling well and then Chase got sick, followed by Cam and then Addie with coughs. Chase was really bad and soon discovered he deffinately did not have the same thing as the rest of us. We got to UT about 6:15 pm and I dropped him off at the Urgent Care and then dropped the kids off at the house with my parents and went back to pick up Chase. Sure enough, just what Chase had suspected, he had Strep Throat...again! This is the second time within like 2 months. He has never had Strep our entire 10 years of marriage and rarely got sick as a kid, I don't think he had strep as a kid either. Anyway, we've decided that we're cursed, or at least Chase is. So, I dropped Chase back at the house and drove over to the nearest pharmacy open in Provo to get him his medicine. So, we spent $60. at the urgent care, because they didn't take our insurance, and then one of the medications prescribed also wasn't covered so there was another $3o. He's doing better today, but still pretty sick. We're just hoping he's well enough for work on Mon., he couldn't go in on Sat. Cam and Addie seem to be doing better today as well, or at least haven't coughed as much. Addie had to have her nebulizer this morning, but has done well today. I haven't been as congested since getting back, so hopefully we won't spend the rest of our Christmas break all sick. Chase rates this Christmas as his worst, hopefully, next year he'll at least be able to eat something and have it be a little more memorable for happier reasons.
So, update from what I started writing last night. Emery woke up this morning (meaning Sunday morning, I wrote the rest of this last night at work, but haven't finished) with a snot covered face and is now sick, so we didn't go to church. I stayed home to watch the sick kids while Bailey went to church with Grandma.
So, update from what I started writing last night. Emery woke up this morning (meaning Sunday morning, I wrote the rest of this last night at work, but haven't finished) with a snot covered face and is now sick, so we didn't go to church. I stayed home to watch the sick kids while Bailey went to church with Grandma.
The kids loved their Christmas though, which was such a relief being as this Christmas was on a very tight budget. I was hoping the kids would love their presents despite there not being any drums or Ipods. Addie and Emery had the best reactions for their gifts. We didn't have any new video tapes for our camcorder, but I got a little video on the camera. Unfortunately, I missed some priceless reactions from Addie over her gifts. She squeeled loudly and screamed with excitement and was even shaking, it was very funny. The kids had a great day, which made up for Chase having a crappy day, well kind of, at least it didn't make Christmas a complete miserable experience. I am thankful that we were able to celebrate the day together as a family, that some of us were healthy, and that our Saviour was born and sacrificed his life for us. I'm just hoping next year we can all celebrate under different circumstances.
Hope everyone gets feeling better~