Sunday, September 6, 2009

Chase left for Oklahoma

Chase decided to drive to OK today. He left around 5:30 our time about 1 1/2 hr. ago. He is still very sick, my dad and another member of the bishopbric gave him a blessing today. We ended up running out of Ibuprofen, so when he left he was in a lot of pain. He hasn't been able to eat anything for the past 3 days or so except for a little apple sauce, so he didn't even bother to take any food with him, even drinks except water hurt him. I think he was going to try to stop somewhere and get some medicine so hopefully he'll be able to eat something later. The drive is supposed to take 17 hrs, so it's like when we lived in OR and drove here from there. He plans on stopping and resting a lot and told me he might try to sleep a little in his car at truck stops maybe. I'm really worried about him, so we sure could use some prayers sent our way. He has a hotel room for 2 nights for when he gets there tomorrow and for Tues. after his orientation and then he said he would try to be back by Thurs. I just hope the antibiotics start to kick in real fast. Well, I better get the kids ready for bed and maybe try to take a nap before work.


  1. Poor Chase. I hate being sick at home in my own bed. I too hope the meds kick in fast.

  2. I didn't see this until today, but I just wanted to tell you I felt like I should fast for Chase yesterday. I guess that was why. Hope he's doing better!
