This Halloween we got to celebrate a couple of days instead of just one. Addie had a Halloween party, then our ward had a Trunk or Treat. The trunk or treat was put together last minute, so we volunteered some games at our car while the kids came around. I used all the games I had put together for Cam's Kindergarten class when I was home room mom. I knew those games would come in handy again, I'm glad I kept them. We had pumpkin bowling, pumpkin broom races, cauldron toss, assemble the skeleton, and monster match. We had a ton of fun at the ward trunk or treat! On actual Halloween day, the kids were not allowed to dress up in their costumes at school here. Previously, we had dropped Bailey's costume off at her friend's house so she could ride the bus home with her friend and trick or treat in her friend's neighborhood. The rest of us dressed up and headed over to our friends' house from church. We ate a yummy pumpkin dinner and then went trick or treating in their neighborhood.
This was Joelle's first time walking and getting treats. It was pretty funny to watch, she was very in to the trick or treating and it was all serious. She was very possessive of her candy bag which was only a grocery sack. Joelle wouldn't let anyone hold it for her and she would drag it along. When we got home there were holes in the bottom of the bag and some of the candy had been worn through the wrappers where she dragged it. We went and picked Bailey up and then headed home where the kids dug into their candy. I was very impressed this year that Addie didn't inhale all of hers in one night and actually made it last about a month. In fact Emery was the first to finish all of her candy, but of course she didn't go as long or get as much candy as the others did. Cam just finished his a couple of days ago, and of course Bailey still has a ton of her candy which she has added to her bucket. I wouldn't be surprised if she still has some of her candy when Valentine's Day rolls around next year.
So, this year's costumes were mostly finds from Goodwill. At the beginning of the year, when we first moved here, I found the poodle and peacock costumes at Goodwill. I decided to purchase them because I had no idea when or if we would get our stuff from storage in UT which included all our Halloween stuff. As Halloween grew closer Cam had already called the skeleton costume I got for really cheap after Hallween the previous year. I got Addie her costume from Goodwill as well, except the wig which I also got on discount after Halloween in UT. All I had to do was take in the pants a little which were too big. Bailey had the idea of being a dresser drawer. We had plenty of boxes, but I really didn't want to get involved with her project, but she begged and begged and finally sucked me in. I guess she gets her crazy costume ideas from me, I have always tried to find unique and fun costumes. So, she took one of the boxes, made "drawers" for the front and colored everything. I got some dresser drawer knobs and a tiny alarm clock from Walmart. We went to Goodwill and tried on a bunch of lamp shades, I'm sure people thought we were nuts. We finally found a lamp shade that wasn't too big and Bailey found a necklace chain to attach for the light switch. We positioned her toe sock as if it was hanging out of the drawer, and lastly, I stuck her little baby picture on top as well. It turned out to be a fun costume and she had people give her extra treats because they liked her costume. For myself, I stole Emery's grape costume that we did a few years back. I could only find green and red balloons so I was a bunch of green grapes. I squeezed her little hat that I made on my head and we were all set.
We had a pre-Halloween dinner by ourselves, since we were invited to dinner on Halloween night. We made mummy dogs of course, with eyeballs(grapes), and witch fingers(carrot sticks). I was a little lazy with the Halloween dinner this year, but the kids had fun. Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween!